Kategoria e zhanrit të mitralozave - Magjike

Escuela de Magia: luaj online
Slot i temës së frutave
7.74 10
Mega Magic Spell: luaj online
Slot Machine me një faktor të mundshëm fitues X5000
8.1 10
Shadow Summoner Elementals: luaj online
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7.91 10
Money Mage: luaj online
Slot Machine në temën e Magjisë
8.21 10
Merlins Alchemy: luaj online
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8.02 10
Mayfair Magic: luaj online
Slot mbi temën e magjisë
7.3 10
Alchemy Riches: luaj online
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8.01 10
Magical Leprechaun: luaj online
Slot Machine me një faktor të mundshëm fitues X2000
8.48 10
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8.01 10
Gnomes & Giants: luaj online
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8.29 10
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8.28 10
Snow Whites Magical Spring: luaj online
Slot Machine në tema magjike
8.25 10
Fire Portals: luaj online
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7.89 10
Cauldron of Secrets: luaj online
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8.51 10
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7.33 10
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Slot video në temat e magjisë
8.71 10
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7.23 10
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7.67 10
Book of Skull: luaj online
Video mistike
8.2 10
Magic Forest: Spellbound: luaj online
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8.18 10
Magic Lab: luaj online
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8.59 10
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8.45 10
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Slot me një faktor të mundshëm fitues X5000
8.09 10
The Magic Web: luaj online
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8.85 10
Wynmor’s Tales: The Rise: luaj online
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8.02 10
Orb of Destiny: luaj online
Slot Machine me një faktor të mundshëm fitues X10000
9.22 10
Dark Magic War: luaj online
Slot mbi temën e magjisë
7.93 10
Starlight Princess Pachi: luaj online
Slot video me një fitime të mundshme të fitimeve X5000
8.72 10
Enchantress Mighty Hammer: luaj online
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8.88 10
Wizard Trio: luaj online
Slot i temës magjike
8.37 10
Element Shaman: luaj online
Slot mbi temën e magjisë
7.84 10
Mystic Potion: luaj online
Slot me një faktor të mundshëm fitues X10000
9.17 10
Book of Runes: luaj online
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7.12 10
Adventures: luaj online
Slot me një faktor të mundshëm fitues X2100
7.98 10
Ricchezze dellAlchimia: luaj online
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7.53 10
Cash Connection - Golden Voodoo Magic: luaj online
Slot video me temë magjike
8.36 10
Mandrake the Magician: luaj online
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8.11 10
Molfar: luaj online
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7.7 10
Chief Hawk’s Spirit Walk: luaj online
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7.79 10
Wonder Wizard Quad Shot: luaj online
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8.49 10
Magnificent Merlin: luaj online
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8.28 10
Mystic Magic: luaj online
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8.93 10
Rainbow Charm: luaj online
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7.9 10
Wizard Alchemy: luaj online
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8.08 10
AlchemistÂŽs Spell: luaj online
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8.33 10
Mystic 7s: luaj online
Slot video me temë aziatike
7.79 10
Good Luck Spell: luaj online
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8.16 10
Alchemy Redux: luaj online
Slot me temë magjike
7.63 10
Book of Magus XXL: luaj online
Slot me temë magjike
8.17 10
Academy of Magic: luaj online
Slot video me temë magjike
8.33 10
The Magic Goblet: luaj online
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7.74 10
Mystical Duel: luaj online
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8.01 10
Book of Mystic Revelations: luaj online
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7.81 10
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7.79 10
Fire Ball Blaze Phoenix: luaj online
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8.23 10
Midas Book of Alchemy: luaj online
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7.04 10
Potion Wizard: luaj online
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8.43 10
Il Gatto Magico: luaj online
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7.99 10
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8.26 10
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8.83 10
Voodoo Charms: luaj online
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7.98 10
5 Wishes: luaj online
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8.3 10
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8 10
Treasure Journey: Genies Gold: luaj online
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9.25 10
Mystic Genie: luaj online
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7.89 10
Magic Carpet: luaj online
Slot me temë magjike
7.75 10
Inside The Hat: luaj online
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8.58 10
Snake Spell: luaj online
Slot video me temë magjike
8.16 10
Snowflake Sorcery: luaj online
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7.77 10
Celinderella: luaj online
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8.89 10
Amulet of Queen: luaj online
Slot video me temë magjike
7.96 10
Artefact of Gems: luaj online
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8.57 10
Fortune Globe: luaj online
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7.93 10
Empress of the Shadows: luaj online
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7.54 10
Baron Lord of Saturday: luaj online
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8.03 10
Lady of Fortune Remastered: luaj online
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8.62 10
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7.96 10
Voodoo People: luaj online
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8.29 10
Genies Riches: luaj online
Slot video me temë arabe
8.19 10
Lunar Link: The Legend of King Arthur: luaj online
slot video me temën e magjisë mesjetare
8.37 10